15 cps Viscosity Blue Cap Resin 1 oz bottle (Our Best Seller)
$28.00 -
Windshield Repair Kit
$550.00 -
20 cps Viscosity White Cap Resin 1 oz bottle (Big Seller)
$28.00 -
10 cps Viscosity Red Cap Resin 1 oz bottle (Our Thinnest Resin)
$35.00 -
Pit Filler Yellow Cap Resin 1 oz bottle
$28.00 -
40 cps Viscosity Resin 1 oz bottle
$28.00 -
Acid-Free Black Cap Resin 1 oz bottle (Discontinued while supply lasts)
$35.00 -
Pit Polish
$6.25 -
10, 15, 20, 40 cps & Pit Filler 1 Liter Bottle
$390.00 -
Curing Tabs 10 Sheets 2″ X 4″
$3.50 -
New Bridge
$125.00 -
Lever Suction Cup
$50.00 -
Knurled Nylon Screw
$2.00 -
Rubber Tips For Injector
$2.00 -
Injector Cylinder ( 2 Part )
$10.00 -
Large Pit Adapter ( Comes With Two O-Rings )
$30.00 -
O-Rings for Pit Adapter
$1.00 -
3″ Suction Cup Assembly ( Cup, Rod & Knob )
$10.00 -
1″ Suction Cup for Screens & Lamps
$2.00 -
Dremel Lite Li-Ion Drill
$69.00 -
Drill Battery (for older Dremel drills)
$25.00 -
Drill Charger (for older Dremel drills)
$25.00 -
Collet for Drill (1/16″ for holding bit)
$5.00 -
Carbide Drill Bits
$2.00 -
Diamond Drill Bits
$6.00 -
UV Lamp AA Battery Powered
$60.00 -
AC – UV Lamp
$210.00 -
DC – UV Lamp
$210.00 -
DC Power Cord – Clips to Car Battery
$15.00 -
Power Inverter (Converts DC Current to AC Current)
$45.00 -
UV Replacement Bulbs (6 inch – 2 Prong)
$15.00 -
Knobs for Screen
$3.50 -
UV Screen
$35.00 -
UV Screen Only ( No Knobs or Cups )
$15.00 -
Inspection Mirror
$15.00 -
Carbide Picks ( Large & Small )
$12.00 -
Poly Gloves ( 100 Count Pack )
$5.00 -
Blunted Syringes
$1.00 -
Razor Blades
$12.00 -
Rubber Feet for Bridge
$1.00 -
One Ounce High-Density Polyethylene Bottle with Cap & Top
$0.75 -
Equipment Case
$18.00 -
Instructional DVD Video